ADE institute 2015 – ‘Do you get it now?’

IMG_1602It was a strange feeling to wake up on the morning of the 23rd of April 2015 and open an email congratulating me on my successful application to become an Apple Distinguished Educator. It was an accolade that I had been desparate to achieve for a long time and finally here it was.

Over the next few hours as twitter exploded with messages of delight and excitement but also understandably of disappointment, I couldn’t help but think to myself – ‘what difference is being an ADE actually going to make?’ 

Fast forward three months and having attended my first ADE institute I can honestly say I have been fortunate enough (in both a personal and professional way) to attend the most challenging, rewarding, inspiring and exhausting CPD event ever!Read More »

QRafty maths!

IMG_2640QR codes, or Quick Response codes.

For a long time I’ve struggled to see their relevance in a classroom. However I’m slowly becoming a convert!

Apart from the obvious ease of being able to guide pupils to websites without having to get them to correctly type in a huge long web address I’ve recently been using them quite a lot in maths. I just want to share a very quick activity that is easy to set up, but that instantly gets everyone on their feet problem solving!Read More »

Don’t leave anyone behind!

toughmudderil3There are some truly incredible advocates of technology out there at the moment. Twitter, for example, is a phenomenal resource of people who are creating the most incredible and inspiring ways of using technology to enthuse, engage and energise children and indeed adults.

However, it’s important to realise that there are still many practitioners out there who are still finding this technological path before them quite challenging and treacherous. Even more so, there are people that have invested in the iPad as a tool to use in their classrooms, without the time or indeed the support network around them to truly use them for anything beyond the basic uses of their existing class PC.Read More »

iPads in sport – four of my favourite apps!

Rocky_Balboa_vs__Ivan_Drago_by_aliattiThey seem polar opposites don’t they? Technology and sport.

If you draw your conclusions based upon stereotypes – people that enjoy technology don’t do much sport, and people that are incredibly sporty shy away from sitting in front of a computer.

Furthermore, those of us from the 80s vividly remember Ivan Drago – who had all the technology money could buy,  and he got soundly beaten by Rocky, who had nothing but his drive, passion and ambition – and a sledge full of stones, to help him train.Read More »

Foldr to the rescue!

Saving and accessing your work – anywhere, anytime and on any device!n844665267_3261940_40911

When we first implemented the iPad scheme there were many issues that, at the time, there didn’t appear to be many answers for, or at least many robust answers; printing was always a problem, deploying apps in a quick and cost effective manner, allowing pupils to have the freedom of their own device, whilst at the same time monitoring what they were doing with it, etc!Read More »